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Green Cleaning Companies

Green cleaning options are becoming more popular as people around the world work to reduce the impact on the environment. JanNet offers a wide range of green cleaning alternatives that help you ensure that you are doing your part to reduce your business’s carbon footprint while still maintaining the cleanest, healthiest workplace possible.

Green Options Available

Green cleaning companies are just as effective as traditional cleaners. The main difference is that green cleaning companies offer eco-friendly cleaning products and use methods such as steam cleaning to reduce toxins in the workplace. JanNet offers you the choice of using cleaning techniques that are designed to minimize the use of commercial cleaners. For instance, using mats and other tools at the entryways to your offices can help eliminate the need for more concentrated cleaning throughout the building. With simple strategies that work to promote a clean, healthy office, your company can reduce its impact on the environment in just a few easy steps.

You may also want to switch to greener paper options such as paper towels that are made from post-consumer waste. Installing electric hand dryers in restrooms, for instance, is an eco-friendly solution when compared to using traditional paper towels. Other easy switches include having employees bring their own reusable coffee cups and water bottles and installing recycling bins. Non-sensitive documents, soda cans, and plastic water bottles can all be recycled to reduce your business’s carbon footprint.

Getting Started

Even one small change can be important in transforming your company into a green enterprise. You may want to begin with using the green cleaning options from JanNet and working to install recycling bins in the cafeteria or employee break room. If you are planning on upgrading your HVAC unit or other equipment, opt for equipment that utilizes green technology to save money and reduce waste. Energy efficient heating and cooling systems and automatic water faucets can save your business hundred or even thousands of dollars each year. With the right alternatives, your business can be both energy efficient and as clean as possible.